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Seeing Red in Business Emails

Business Email and Red Type for Emphasis

When senders change specific verbiage within an email to the color red, they make a point—and a strong point—that may cause more questions than clarity.

  • How mad are they?
  • Why use red?
  • How should I react?

Using red to indicate emphasis is an extra effort the sender makes to ensure the recipient understands how strongly they feel about the topic—a purposeful action with intent.

Colors Have Meaning

Most know that red is viewed as aggressive. In addition, red is known as an intentionally intense, high-visibility color. That is why red is often used to emphasize only specific points.

“Seeing red” means that someone is mad or so upset that they see red. This has led to folks emailing me asking, “What did they mean by using red for certain words in their email?” This is usually followed by, “Were they yelling at me?”

Making a Point

The sender meant to make a point and add strong emphasis by making sure those words, in particular, catch your attention. Yes, they were using a louder voice but not yelling at you, as typing in all caps would indicate.

Now, typing in all red caps without a doubt reflects the sender as upset and unmistakably wanting you to know that. Regarding your business emails, if you have the itch to type in caps and turn them red, it may be best for you to cool off. Wait until the following day to respond when cooler heads can prevail.

Use Words, Not Color

In over 29 years, I have never changed the text to red as a tool to communicate tone or emphasis in my business emails. You don’t selectively “red” words on your business letterhead, so why would you do it in an email? Simply because you can?

When you use red for emphasis, know that you are leaving that level of intensity to be determined by the other side. Therefore, why not choose the right words that relay your intent and tone?

The English language offers a plethora of words to choose from to make your point. So, grow your vocabulary in place of jumping for the formatting bar.

Avoid Aggression

Red has a long history of being an aggressive color. For the ancient Romans, a red flag was a signal for battle. Because of its visibility, stop signs, stoplights, brake lights, and fire equipment are all painted red.

Turning selected text into red is the easy way out and is a dicey approach. Instead, use your vocabulary to communicate what you mean: your anger, passion, and emphasis.

If you are “seeing red,” know that the sender wanted to make a point to you— there is no need to wonder what they meant by doing so.

And if you change the text to red, don’t be surprised if the recipient’s response indicates they saw red and responded in kind.

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