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All Lower Case Preferred Over ALL CAPS?

Be a professional and use proper case in business emails.

Today is a quickie about a topic I cannot believe I still receive push-back on. Keep in mind we are discussing business emails. Emails that reflect on your brand. Not personal emails between you and your BFFs.

Ready? Here We Go.

There is no reason not to capitalize sentences appropriately and communicate as an educated professional in your business emails. Email perception is a reality for your business—a fact you must take very seriously when building a successful brand.

Unfortunately, I can tell that not everyone agrees with this methodology by the emails I receive regularly. One, in particular, did have a suggestion to highlight.

I actually just wanted to make a suggestion for the folks who use caps lock because they can’t use the shift key: just leave your whole message in lowercase. It may look a little “casual,” but most people will still prefer it over all caps. Just a thought.
BEE Site Visitor

If it were one versus the other, yes, small case is better than all caps. But that is when you are physically handicapped, not because you are lazy.

Why so adamant about typing in a small case? Words are words. The meaning doesn’t change just because the first letter is capitalized!
BEE Site Visitor

Thou protest too much? You are correct; the meanings of words don’t change. But the perception of you as a polished education professional may.

I can’t believe we are still typing about this in 2024…

Hitting the shift key requires minimal effort. But, again, unless you are handicapped, not hitting the shift key is the epitome of laziness. Those who are not proficient typers may find having to hit the shift key as a PIA, but in the long run, you will be taken more seriously and viewed more professionally by making this minuscule effort.

For those unable to use the shift key for physical reasons, simply add a little note as part of your signature file at the bottom of every email. For example:

Jane Doe

P.S. Please excuse my typing in all lower case. My arthritis is such that hitting the shift key is unbearable. Thank you for your understanding…

Professionals are Professionals. Always.

As you can tell, communicating why you do certain things can make all the difference in how your actions, or lack thereof, will be perceived. Recipients will not view you as lazy or unprofessional if you are in pain.

Regarding business communications, not wanting to take the time to communicate appropriately isn’t a perfect excuse, nor should it be an option. Can anyone tell me an acceptable scenario where you would not use proper sentence structure and case in your business email communications?

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