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New Business Inquiry Reply Expectations?

Business Email New Inquiry Response Time

When it comes to acquiring new business, new business email inquiries are your opportunity to impress. Nothing less than a prompt, professional response will do.

Unfortunately, many businesses still underestimate the how a quick and informative email response is a competitive marketing tool. One that you can use to your advantage.

New Inquiry Guidelines

  • How soon should you respond to a new customer’s business inquiry? As fast as you can. Better yet, faster!
  • How soon should you expect a reply to a new business email inquiry that you sent to a potential new partner? Promptly and within 24 hours. A company that does not respond promptly to email inquiries does not “get” technology. You will want to consider email response time in your decision-making process as to who you choose to work with.
  • Should you send another email if the first isn’t responded to and when should you follow up? If you need an answer from that particular company/individual send a follow-up the next day asking if/when you can expect a response. If you are simply sending a general inquiry to a new company and they are not responding promptly — that’s a clue. Consider looking at other companies that make doing business with them easier.

Quick and Easy Customer Service

Customer service, if everything else is equal, is the deciding factor. Who wouldn’t want to work with someone who responds quickly and professionally with the desired information? Why do business with a company whose email response time leaves me hanging and wanting?

The choice is obvious. So why leave that door open to doubt and concern when all you have to do is response quickly and with courtesy.

Early Bird Gets the Worm

Yeah, I know cliche. But true.

How you handle your email activity reflects organizational skills and the ability to set priorities. Not responding promptly tacitly lets the other side know they may not be a priority.

Not only are swift and professional responses appreciated, they most definitely give you the competitive edge over your perceived competitors. Know that your potential customers probably are not only emailing you. They are most likely emailing several companies.

Business is Competition

When you do not respond quickly and your competition does, that makes you look less efficient. Your customers or potential partners are pressed for time. Who doesn’t want to do business with those who make doing so easy?

Responding like “Johnny on the Spot” takes that concern off the table! Alright enough cliches — but you get the idea, right?

That said, sometimes people are truly incredibly busy, have computer problems, or possibly your email got misidentified as spam. For example, if you do something spammy.

In my experience…

If the company I am contacting has already given me the impression of being a leader in their field, I may give them the benefit of the doubt and a follow-up. But that depends on my needs, the availability of other options, and if I really need that response in a certain time frame.

Don’t count on potential customers being patient. Many want the information they need, now. Not when it is convenient for you to respond.

If the company is one that I am already doing business with and their email support is anemic, I start seriously thinking about my options. Particularly, when I have to pick up the phone and get more aggravated by their lack of phone support. That definitely puts me down the road of wondering if this company is one I want to continue to do business with.

Probably not.

Quick Response Time Tips

  • Pressed for time? Create response templates with a link to your FAQ.
  • Schedule time in your day specifically for email activities.
  • Have an email policy for staff that includes response requirements.

Don’t make the mistake of underrating the potential that prompt email responses can bring to your bottom line. Do want you need to do.

Get the policies in place so that everyone who has customer contact via email is on the same page and responds “Pronto Tonto”! (Sorry…)

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